Monthly Archives: December 2020

Happy New Year! Are you planning any lifestyle changes for 2021? Can you become a Super-Ager?

We are ready for some good news — aren’t you? Read some happy stories we found this month.

…Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Celebrate all the wonder and joy of the festive season!

My soul is buoyant as the day lengthens into evening. Do you feel that too?

Listen to a few of our favourite Christmas songs. What holiday music do you love?

The memories of my childhood Christmases are interlaced with sights, sounds, and smells.

Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I must peer closely to recognize that the “old” woman I see is me!

Do you feel anxious and stressed for the holidays? Try these stress busters!

We are all members of the same society and we are all in this together.

When Breath Becomes Air, Dr. Paul Kalanithi’s touching memoir about his life and battle with cancer.